Christopher R.- The main idea of your post seemed to be finding out what a woman with kids thought about birth. But at the same time you introduced it as a decision of whether or not your mother should have another kid. The only thing that is confusing about this is you say your mom knows a lot of information so I find it confusing how you would go about informing her more. Maybe I'm just lost. Also I'm confused about parts 2-4. But anyway I think all these projects are useful pieces of information but at the same time I like that you mother was more informed about birth then "common people". For whatever reason I thought people who gave birth wouldn't know as much as I did but 9 months of thinking gives more information then a month of what we did. I think this project matters because the video was actually very entertaining. Most birth stories are, they are rarely talked about and usually great stories.
Christopher M.- I really likes your project because it was different from the rest of the students in the class. You were planning out a procedure to follow so when your mother decided to have another kid everything would be natural and the best for your mother.
I really valued your overall goal that you wanted to achieve in your project because you were applying what you learned from class,the movie, and the book to help out someone out in your family that you care for.
The reason your project mattered to me was because it was different the fact that you had a video that people could watch to see the work that you did for your project.
Brianna M. (protege) - I liked the fact that you pushed birthing centers as apposed to hospitals. Hearing it argued in favor of birthing centers helped open my eyes to the other side of the argument. I also liked the video aspect of the entry. I think you could have made it more clear what influence the stories from the book had on your opinion.
Sophia S.- You interviewed your mother about your birth, and then gave her information about birth that we learned in class. I liked that you acknowledged that you had a biased opinion going into the project - people don't always realize or admit to this. You project matters because you brought up the idea of birthing centers, which hasn't really been discussed. The only advice I would give is to make it more clear what the intention of the project is.
Marcus B.(mentor)- I thought your post was great. I like the fact that you did so much research on different methods of childbirth. However, I have to agree with your mother, when it comes to going through the birthing process, experience does help with narrowing down the options. Although one might do sufficient research, you probably won't know what works for you until (at least) the second time around.
Comments Given:
Rossi C. - I believe the most effective way to learn is through experiences so it was smart of you to go out of your way and converse with these nurses for a real honest outlook on this medical system. The voices of the nurses are very un-sung so it was nice to see their perspective. Based on these answers it seems that a nurse's main objective is to be protective; either of the women and newborns, the doctors, or the hospitals. These nurses seemed to be very informed about their area of interest and are definitely aware of what goes on behind the scenes. I'm glad that they are there and hopefully they keep the obstetricians they work with very grounded.
Brandon Z.- I'd like to thank you for doing a project about this particular aspect of birth because I believe I've received the least amount of information about it in this unit. I understand that every woman's experience is different (so these mother's pregnancy effects will most likely be to mine sometime in the future) but it is always beneficial to get as much insight as I can about the topic.
These three women all seemed to share similar experiences (so I'd have some idea what to expect). But, the most interesting commonality between these answers by far is how all three of these women felt like the experience of pregnancy was beautiful and worth it. They considered it a pivotal moment in their lives and it is nice to know that no matter how much you struggle or suffer during your pregnancy, having a healthy child makes up for it all.
Kevin W.- This was a very good topic to write about and you had a very interesting approach. Your ideal birthing system sounds very beneficial but if OBs have a different outlook on birth than I believe that would always cause a conflict between them. They should each study more on each others practices so they know who is needed and when. Many midwives have a good grasp on this but, as you said, most OBs look at pregnancy as another one of their medical procedures because they are not even required to look at a home birth. A question I would ask is if the lower maternal and infant mortality rate provided by midwives is due to the small amount of midwife attended births in this country (9%). I know that in other industrialized countries this isn't a case, but the population of these other countries are also generally healthier due to their better health care regimens.
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